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Guneet K. Jasuja, de Groot, Alexander , Quinn, Emily K. , Ameli, Omid , Hughto, Jaclyn M.W. , Dunbar, Michael , Deutsch, Madeline , Streed, Carl G. , Paasche-Orlow, Michael K. , Wolfe, Hill L. , and Rose, Adam J. . 2020. “Beyond Gender Identity Disorder Diagnoses Codes”. Medical Care, 58, 10, Pp. 903–911. doi:10.1097/mlr.0000000000001362. Publisher's Version
Adam J. Rose, Park, Angela , Gillespie, Christopher , Lukas, Carol Van Deusen , Ozonoff, Al , Petrakis, Beth Ann , Reisman, Joel I. , Borzecki, Ann M. , Benedict, Ashley J. , Lukesh, William N. , Schmoke, Timothy J. , Jones, Ellen A. , Morreale, Anthony P. , Ourth, Heather L. , Schlosser, James E. , Mayo-Smith, Michael F. , Allen, Arthur L. , Witt, Daniel M. , Helfrich, Christian D. , and McCullough, Megan B. . 2016. “Results Of A Regional Effort To Improve Warfarin Management”. Annals Of Pharmacotherapy, 51, 5, Pp. 373–379. doi:10.1177/1060028016681030. Publisher's Version
Zayd Razouki, Burgess, James F. , Ozonoff, Al , Zhao, Shibei , Berlowitz, Dan , and Rose, Adam J. . 2015. “Improving Anticoagulation Measurement”. Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality And Outcomes, 8, 6, Pp. 600–607. doi:10.1161/circoutcomes.115.001789. Publisher's Version